Why You're Already on the Right Path.

Am I on the right path? Am I living on-purpose? Am I fulfilling my earthly mission? I think these questions haunt so many of us, propel so many of us into over-doing and over-worrying, and cause so many of us to miss the heart of what lies at that very question.

Love. Happiness. Service. Gratitude. Peace.

Love is at the very heart of what it is we are here to be and do. And if we are constantly stressing and over-taxing ourselves with these big questions, then perhaps we are missing the point entirely. Perhaps when we are living the spiritual principles proposed by most faiths across cultures, then naturally we will be fulfilling our mission, naturally we will be living on-purpose, and naturally we will be on the right path.

Instead of asking ourselves these questions, and then bombarding ourselves with a series of answers and to-do lists, perhaps we can ask these questions and then listen for the answers that come from within. And trusting that perhaps no matter where we are on our path, the lessons we learn there, the ways we are challenged to grow, and bend, and give, and love there, is the purpose. That perhaps we can settle into trusting that we are on the right path, no matter where we are on that path. And that if we stay connected to our inner-guidance, that we will in fact be guided to take the action necessary at each juncture.


A 20 minute home yoga practice this evening, soothing meditation music, and sitting down to write offered me the answers that I most needed tonight. Reconnect to your inner-calm to receive the answers that you are seeking. Tonight it all comes back to trust. Do the daily work, and trust the process.

Love with our whole heart and offer that out into the world whenever we can, and that’s it, we are on-purpose.


Journal Prompting

What is calling for you to trust right now?

What areas of your life could benefit most from breathing and trusting, rather than worrying and over-doing?

What are 3 ways you can give and receive love today?